7 Things You Need to Know About Smoking Hemp Buds

7 Things You Need to Know About Smoking Hemp Buds

Smoking CBD can be a great experience — but, there are a few things you need to consider beforehand. Here are seven things you should know about smoking hemp buds.

According to the latest research, approximately 814,000 Americans currently use marijuana for medicinal purposes.

Many people consume products that contain a high amount of the cannabinoid THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

This isn’t an ideal option for everyone, though.

For those who want to experience the benefits of marijuana without any mind-altering effects, smoking hemp buds is a great alternative.

Never heard of hemp buds before? Not sure how to smoke them or why you should?

Read on to learn seven things every beginner ought to know about smoking hemp buds.

What are Hemp Buds?

Hemp buds are the flowers produced by the hemp plant.

Hemp is part of the Cannabis sativa family. It contains very little THC and a significant amount of CBD.

CBD, which is short for cannabidiol, is another cannabinoid that offers many of the benefits of THC. It does not have any mind-altering effects, though.

This makes it a better option for children and those who don’t want to feel high but still want to experience the benefits that cannabinoids have to offer.

Smoking Hemp Buds: What You Need to Know

Now that you know more about hemp buds, let’s get into what you need to know before you start smoking them.

Listed below are some of the benefits of smoking hemp buds, as well as tips on how to get the most out of the experience:

1. The Entourage Effect

There are lots of CBD products on the market these days. In fact, the CBD market, as a whole, is expected to reach a $22 billion valuation by the year 2022.

Some of the most popular products are things like CBD oils and CBD capsules.

These products can be great for some people, but they often only contain isolated CBD. When you consume CBD in this way, you miss out on a lot of the benefits that the hemp plant has to offer.

When you smoke hemp buds, you get to enjoy the benefits of CBD. In many cases, the benefits of CBD are also heightened by the presence of other cannabinoids.

All of the cannabinoids in the hemp plant, along with the terpenes, flavonoids, and other plant compounds, work together to provide the consumer with a better experience and greater outcomes. This is known as the entourage effect.

CBD isolate works well in a lot of cases, but it appears to be much better when it’s combined with all the other plant compounds.

2. Faster Results

When you smoke hemp buds (or other cannabis products), you’ll experience the effects much faster than if you were to consume a hemp oil or edible.

This is because smoking allows CBD and other cannabinoids to reach the bloodstream faster.

When you consume products orally, you have to wait for them to pass through the digestive tract before they can take effect. You tend to lose some of the potency along the way when you take this approach, too.

3. No, You Won’t Get High

Many people associate smoking any kind of cannabis product with getting high.

If you’re smoking high-CBD hemp buds, though, you’re not going to experience any mind-altering effects.

You’ll feel the benefits of the CBD, but the concentration of THC is these products is way too low for you to get high.

4. Heat Before Consuming

In order to experience the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids, you need to make sure the product is fully heated before you try to smoke it.

This activates the CBD and other cannabinoids and ensures that your body can absorb them in an efficient way.

5. Dosing Tips

Dosing hemp buds can be trickier than dosing other CBD products.

Because of this, it’s best to start with a small amount and then work your way up.

Remember, you can always add more if you don’t notice any effects.

Taking this approach saves you from consuming more than you need. It also prevents you from burning (literally) through all of your product.

6. Inhale Properly

Believe it or not, there is a right way to inhale when smoking hemp buds.

It’s best to inhale slowly and deeply.

Think about filling your lungs about two-thirds of the way full of smoke. This allows you to take in more of the cannabinoids and ensure you’re using the hemp buds in the most efficient way.

Be sure to wait for a few minutes in between inhales, too. That way, you won’t overdo it and you’ll get the most out of your supply.

7. Buy High-Quality Hemp Buds

In order to see the greatest outcomes from smoking hemp buds, it’s important to make sure you’re smoking a high-quality product.

It’s not always easy to tell if you’re getting high-quality hemp buds or other CBD products, so you need to know what to look for. Some qualities to watch out for include:

  • Use hemp that is organically grown to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure
  • Learn about the farm where the hemp is grown — ideally, it’ll be located in the U.S. to further reduce the risk of pesticide and toxin exposure
  • Choose products that contain a significant concentration of CBD — the higher the concentration, the greater the effects will be
  • Look for a terpene-rich product to enhance the entourage effect

If you find a company that meets all these requirements, there’s a good chance they’re selling safe, effective hemp products that will help you see the benefits you’re looking for.

Try Smoking Hemp Buds Today

The idea of smoking hemp buds might be a bit intimidating at first, especially if you’re new to the idea of medicinal marijuana products in general.

If you keep this information in mind, though, you’ll have a much easier time with it, and you’ll experience greater effects from the hemp.

If you’re ready to start shopping for hemp buds, make sure you’re buying from a reputable brand that sells high-quality, organically grown hemp.

At Fern Valley Farms, we check all those boxes.

Head to our online store today to learn about the different hemp buds we have to offer and place an order for yours.

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