How Long Delta 8 Stays in Your System

So, How Long Does Delta 8 Stay in your System?

The length of time that Delta 8 stays in your system can vary depending on individual factors such as metabolism, dose, frequency of use, and body composition. In general, Delta 8 THC can be detectable in urine tests for up to 2-7 days after use, while in hair follicle tests, it can remain for up to 90 days or more after last use! However, there are many factors to consider when answering this question.

Read on to learn more!

What is Delta 8?

Delta 8 is a type of cannabinoid found in hemp and cannabis plants. Delta 8 is similar to Delta 9 THC, but with a few differences that make it less psychoactive. Delta 8 has a lower psychotropic effect than Delta 9, making it a more moderate option for those seeking a balanced high. It can provide a mild energetic effect while providing a sense of relaxation.

Want to learn more about Delta 8?
Check out our blog post What is Delta 8 THC?

Delta 8 THC Half-Life

Half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of a substance to be eliminated from the body. Therefore, if we assume a half-life of 36 hours for Delta 8, it would take approximately 6 days for the compound to be eliminated from the body, assuming no further intake. However, the half-life of all cannabinoids can vary depending on individual factors such as metabolism, frequency and dose of use, and body composition. Additionally, the method of consumption can also affect the rate of elimination. For example, inhalation methods such as smoking or vaping may lead to a faster elimination rate compared to ingestion methods such as edibles.

Factors That Affect How Long Delta 8 Stays in Your System

There are a few factors to consider when we try to determine how long Delta 8 will stay in your system, let’s dive into them!

Genetics & Metabolism

Genetics and metabolism can play a significant role in how long Delta 8 stays in your system. Certain genetic variations can affect the expression and activity of enzymes involved in the metabolism of THC, which can impact the rate of elimination from the body. Differences in metabolic rate, liver function, and body composition can also influence how long Delta 8 remains in the body. For example, individuals with a slower metabolic rate may eliminate THC at a slower rate, resulting in a longer detection window for drug tests. Overall, the interaction between genetics and metabolism can lead to individual variations in how long Delta 8 stays in the system, and therefore, the effects of its use may vary from person to person.

Age & Bodyweight

Age and body weight can also affect how long Delta 8 stays in your system. As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down, which can lead to a slower elimination of THC from the body. THC is fat-soluble, which means it is stored in fat cells in the body. Individuals with a higher body fat percentage may store THC for a longer time, leading to a longer detection window for drug tests. Conversely, individuals with a lower body fat percentage may eliminate THC at a faster rate.

Dosage & Frequency of Use

When you consume Delta 8, it is metabolized in the liver and broken down into metabolites, some of which are stored in fat cells in the body. The more Delta 8 you consume, the more metabolites will be stored in your body, and the longer it will take to eliminate them. Additionally, the frequency of use can also affect how long it stays in your system. If you use Delta 8 regularly, the metabolites will accumulate in your body, and it may take longer to eliminate them.

Method of Consumption

The method of consumption can also affect the rate of elimination. For example, inhalation methods such as smoking or vaping may lead to a faster elimination rate compared to ingestion methods such as edibles.

Delta 8 Carts

Inhaling Delta 8 allows it to enter the bloodstream more quickly, leading to a more rapid onset of effects. Additionally, inhalation methods may lead to a faster breakdown and elimination of metabolites, which may result in a faster elimination rate.

Delta 8 Gummies

When you ingest Delta 8 in the form of gummies, it must be metabolized in the liver before it can produce its effects. This process can take longer than other consumption methods, and the elimination rate can be slower as a result.

Delta 8 Oil/Tinctures

Tinctures are sublingual drops that are placed under the tongue for absorption into the bloodstream. Like vapes, sublingual consumption can lead to a faster onset of effects compared to ingestion methods such as gummies.

Delta 8 Flower

Inhaling Delta 8 through smoking flower can lead to a faster onset of effects compared to ingestion methods such as gummies. However, the elimination rate may be slower than with vaping, as smoking can lead to the formation of metabolites that are detectable for a longer period of time.

At Fern Valley Farms, we think it’s important that our customers have variety when choosing their preferred consumption methods. When browsing our virtual shelves, you will find Delta 8 THC in these wonderful products:

Does Delta 8 THC Show Up On Drug Tests?

So, will Delta 8 test positive? The short answer is yes, but the above factors should be considered before you start asking your friends if they can pee in a bottle for you.

Most drug tests look for the presence of THC metabolites, which are produced when THC is broken down in the body. Delta 8 THC produces the same metabolites as Delta 9 THC, therefore, drug tests that look for THC metabolites may also detect the presence of Delta 8.

If you are concerned about drug testing, it is important to check the specific guidelines of the test and to disclose any use of Delta 8 THC to the testing facility. It is also important to note that the use of Delta 8 THC may be illegal in some states or under certain circumstances, and it is always important to follow the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

What Drug Tests Can Detect Delta 8 in the Body?

It is important to note that the sensitivity and accuracy of drug tests can vary, and false positives or false negatives are possible.
Let’s look into the various drug tests that can detect Delta 8 THC in the body:

Urine Test

Urine tests are the most common type of drug test and can detect THC metabolites for a longer period than other tests. One of the most common questions among consumers is: “how long will Delta 8 stay in your urine?” Well, Delta 8 THC can be detectable in urine tests for up to 2-7 days after use, depending on individual factors such as metabolism, frequency and dose of use, and body composition.

Blood Test

Blood tests are less commonly used for drug testing but can detect THC metabolites for a shorter period than urine tests. Delta 8 THC can be detected in blood tests for up to 48 hours after use.

Saliva Test

Saliva tests are also less commonly used for drug testing but can detect THC metabolites for a shorter period than urine tests. Delta 8 THC can be detectable in saliva tests for up to 48 hours after use.

Hair Follicle Test

Hair follicle tests are even less commonly used for drug testing, but they can detect drug use over a longer period. Delta 8 THC can be detectable in hair follicle tests for up to 90 days or more after last use.

How Do I Flush Out Delta 8 From My System?

There is no guaranteed way to flush out Delta 8 from your system quickly, as the rate of elimination depends on various factors such as metabolism, frequency and dose of use, and body composition. However, there are some strategies that may help to accelerate the process:

  1. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water can help to flush out your system and increase urine output, which may help to eliminate THC metabolites from the body faster.
  2. Exercise: Engaging in physical activity can increase metabolism and fat burning, which can help to eliminate THC metabolites that are stored in fat cells. However, it is important to note that exercising too close to a drug test may actually increase the levels of THC in your urine due to the temporary release of stored THC from fat cells.
  3. Diet: Eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fiber can help to support overall health and metabolism, which may aid in the elimination of THC metabolites from the body.
  4. Time: The most effective way to eliminate THC from your system is to simply wait it out. The length of time that THC stays in your system can vary based on individual factors, but generally, it can take several days to several weeks for THC to be completely eliminated from the body.

It is important to note that these strategies may not guarantee the complete elimination of THC from your system, and the effectiveness can vary depending on individual factors. If you are concerned about drug testing, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional or drug testing expert for personalized advice.

In Conclusion

If you are concerned about drug testing, it is important to check the specific guidelines of the test and to disclose any use of Delta 8 THC to the testing facility. It is also important to note that the use of Delta 8 THC may be illegal in some states or under certain circumstances, and it is always important to follow the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

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